Liam David Danger was born August 22nd 2005 at 0739hrs. He was 7 pounds 6 oz at 3 weeks early!!!! This is his very own blog for friends and family.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
GQ Baby !
Look at my little ham. He so mugs for the camera. I have been working A LOT this month, making hay while the sun shines, as they say, and I feel like I am missing too much! I'll take prayers that this job I am in the process of getting, works out as it is across the street from the "C's" new place and only six miles from my house. Oh my gosh, I could see Liam on all of my breaks. The job I am currently working? Get this; it is 3 counties, 7 freeways and over 10 cities away! Argh the drive totally sucks! I am very lucky to have it though, don't get me wrong. Ok, that is all for now, til later!
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