Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lil Stinker

I LOVE this picture!!!!!!! I forgot to mention; if you leave a comment, it will take a bit to show up. I enabled something called "comment moderation." I have to approve all comments through my email. I did that so I could keep just family and friends comments only.
And on a completely random note: Liam calls all food, "Manna." Isn't that weird? At first we thought he was calling everything by his favorite food--bananas. But he calls bananas "Manana" and that sounds very different. He is very specific about calling food Manna. Chris and I joke about him thinking he will be left in a desert somewhere...Like manna from heaven? I don't mind it at all, because I know exactly what he wants when he says it! Here are some other new words I have heard recently: Diaper- (Di-er), Cow, Thank you (To-to) What is that-(Wuh'sat?) Keys (Key-key) Water changed from wa-wa to "wa-tee" Riley, (Ri-ee) Bailey (Bay-yee) Please (pees) Big car (Biiiiiiiiig Ca), Again, (gen). Out (ow, ow) which I sometimes confuse with...well.."Ow." Bike (Bah-kee) moon, (moo), blanket (ban-kit). He loves to say Hi! and Bye! Now at appropriate times. He repeats just about anything you say, once. When he goes poop, he points to his diaper and says "Poo poo" and today he pointed at his....self and said "Piss!" Which I know for a FACT no one taught him....Now if I could just figure what on earth he is saying when he points at nothing and says, "Boh-hee".....

Who Do I Call, Mama?

How Do You Really Use This Thing?


Experienced Cell User

"I will call Grandad and Grandmalinda, Auntie Carolyn and Pop Pop." I wish you could hear Liam. He actually has a "cell phone voice." He only talks this weird gibberish when he is making calls. It is hilarious. It must be what we sound like to him, I guess!

Mama, I'm Stuck !!!!!!!!!!!!

Get me off of this thing!!!!!


Oh, photo op, nevermind!

Well, Hello !

Oh yes, he is a Ladie's Man! Here is is just hanging out and reading a book underneath our table.

Definitely My Son

Reading in bed. Definitely my son; I love to read in bed!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Say Cheeeeeeeeese (ITs)

I left Liam alone in the living room while I got him a glass of water. Then I heard the tell tale sounds of plastic rustling and then munching. Little Man had climbed up on the couch, got the cheese-its from the side table and was sitting up nice and proper, just chowing down. I was far too impressed to be upset (reaching onto the side table, he could've fallen), and look how obviously proud of himself he is!
I have the funniest stories to share. I have like 2-3 saved up, but right now I have GOT to clean my house. I am having some people over tomorrow and it looks like a tornado hit. A 2 1/2 foot tall tornado to be exact....

Friday, April 13, 2007

Quality AND Quantity

Where did my baby go? Who is this little boy? Oh man, I love these huge stages of development Liam is going through right now, but I really hate them too. Everyone always said, "Enjoy, it goes fast." And really I didn't think the first year went that fast, but now I feel like it is moving at warp speed.
And now, with out further ado, I make up for a lack of recent posts with both quanity AND quality. Enjoy.

You Talkin' to Me ?

New Jogger

There is this store called "Once Upon a Child." I love it; they have gently used things at affordable prices. We got this new jogger and Chris is totally willing to take Liam on jogs. Now, if I can only get my lazy butt in gear!

Tiny Firefighter

I thought Chris would be disappointed that Liam loves fire trucks, but instead he was thrilled. "I'd be happy if he was a firefighter; no one shoots them." True, good point.

The Future is so Bright.....

Doesn't he look adorable is sunglasses?


Liam loves fish. Except he calls them "pish, pish." I have no idea why, but it is still cute. The blue one is Melody, after an Auntie and the other one is Maja, after another Auntie. Mel loves blue and Maja's hair is red. Of course after telling each friend that this honor had been bestowed upon them they each said the exact same thing. "Those are boy fish." Turns out they don't sell female betas. Cause they are ugly. Great. Liam's very first pets are transvetite fish. Perfect.

Street Sweeper

Is it still a violation of child labor laws if he LIKES to do house and yard work????? Look at that; choosing a broom over a ball. Impressive.

No, Xena, Why on Earth Would We Think You'd Been Digging.......?

Whoooo Whoooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liam on his first train ride. Oh man the only thing he loves more than trains is ducks. He had a blast!

Little Life Saver

Liam's first boat ride. He really did not like the life preserver...

Liam's New Bike !

He took off on this thing and wouldn't come back!

Liam Loves Ducks!!!!!!

Liam has said ducks for months and months. Only he crosses "ducks" with "quack quack" and says "cuck cucks." It is really cute. Here are some pictures of him meeting ducks for the first time. This was all the same day; we changed his clothes for some reason. Maybe duck poop--those little guys don't stop! Liam loved them so much he kissed one. Later he tried to climb into the tub. Adorable!