Thursday, October 12, 2006

Maybe Down Here, I'll Get Better Reception

Hmmmm, Mama is right, this cell phone service is awful. If I could get this phone to work I would call Grandad, Grandmalinda and Auntie Carolyn and tell them how much I love them.

(Notes from the Mama: 1) Don't you just love the booties Liam is wearing? Grandma C made them and Liam ADORES them. He carried them around for the longest time saying "Ooooh Ohhh!" 2) Lest you say to yourself, "Wait doesn't she always gripe about parents letting their children play on the phone and how they always end up tying up the 911 lines?" Yeah I do. That is why the cell phone is actually shut off ;) Well, goodnight guys! )

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