Friday, April 20, 2007

Say Cheeeeeeeeese (ITs)

I left Liam alone in the living room while I got him a glass of water. Then I heard the tell tale sounds of plastic rustling and then munching. Little Man had climbed up on the couch, got the cheese-its from the side table and was sitting up nice and proper, just chowing down. I was far too impressed to be upset (reaching onto the side table, he could've fallen), and look how obviously proud of himself he is!
I have the funniest stories to share. I have like 2-3 saved up, but right now I have GOT to clean my house. I am having some people over tomorrow and it looks like a tornado hit. A 2 1/2 foot tall tornado to be exact....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A man after my own heart. Cheetos, cheese chips, etc., are my favorites, also. He is adorable.
Auntie Fran