Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where Did My Tiny Baby Go?

Has anyone seen my tiny baby? Anyone at all? Someone snuck into my home in the middle of the night and replaced my tiny baby with a little boy. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! He is changing too fast! I remember the days long ago where my tiny baby, would stare up adoringly at me. Content, just to look up at my face. This new little boy, has opinions! And he is fiesty! I dare you to take away something he wants. You will hear a howl like you wouldn't believe. This little boy likes peas and pears, cantalope and sweet potatoes, but don't you dare try to give him plain cereal. This little boy likes the color yellow and songs and constantly wants to be outside. Where did my tiny baby go that just lay there, happy to watch me clean and cook? Now when I eat something, there are five sets of eyes begging for my food, and trust me when I say the dogs are far more subtle about it. Have you seen my tiny baby? I miss him so, but I would move heaven and earth just to hear this little boy belly laugh...Oh, all right, I miss my tiny baby, but this little boy, he takes my breath away.

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