Sunday, April 23, 2006

Such a Big Boy!

Look how well, Liam is sitting up now! Oh don't get me wrong, he still falls over, but not right away anymore. In fact, I left him here and ran into the other room for about a minute and he was still sitting when I came back. He isn't really trying to scooch or crawl. He gets to objects out of reach by rolling over and over til he is close enough. He finally rolls onto his stomach, on purpose, a lot. This morning I put him down for his nap early so we could make it to church at 10:45, but by 11:15 he still had not woke up. I opened the blinds, cleared my throat, sat down heavily on the bed--he was out! Finally I decided I would just pick him up and carry him out to the car, sleeping, then change his diaper in the nursery at church. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. Looked up at me confused and then grinned. He is such a cutie! Well, gotta go for now, I am at work.

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