Thursday, January 19, 2006

Big Day For Baby ! ! !

Look at little man eating his first foods! OK, OK, so most of it ended up on his face or up his nose, but look how good he did. It was crazy, he saw the spoon coming towards him and immediately opened up. All it is, is formula with rice starch. We do that for 4-6 tablespoons a day for about 2 weeks and then we start on fruits and veggies, (jars/mashed of course) all the while still supplementing formula at about 28 oz a day.
OK, onto his stats: Liam weighs 16 pounds 14 oz and is 25 inches long. Doctor says he looks great and is developing just right. Chris has been going to a Chiropractic Neurologist for his arm and he is making FANTASTIC strides. Well, Chris took Liam with him yesterday and his doc said Liam's "Ocular functioning is above average" meaning his ability to track and recognize objects near and far. I am so proud, sniff, sniff. One more thing, we don't go by weeks when counting Liam's age anymore. So he actually isn't a month older until the 22nd of each month. Taking that into account, he is 5 months on Sunday and according to the books, he is doing some things way ahead of schedule. I was so worried about his progress during tummy time, but during the doc appointment this morning, Doc B put Liam on his tummy and Liam just launched right up into a 90 degree angle and held the position. He was such a ham, laughing at the doc and showing off. No more worries about that, just keep up the tummy time.
Well, Liam is asleep early tonight, kind of fussy rough day, but all in all, really good. The doc says his waking up every 2-3 hours is just for comfort not for food, so after he feels better, maybe a day or so, I am to only give him one, bigger bottle in the middle of the night. Although it will be hard at first, because he will cry until he relearns what is going on, I can't wait for the extra sleep. Tonight I will give him comfort every hour if that is what he needs, he earned it! Well, dinner is ready, Chris made it because he is concerned Liam will have a rough night so therefore so will I, what a sweetie. I am going to bed at 9pm--gotta watch CSI! Til later guys!

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