Monday, January 16, 2006

His First Time in a High Chair ! ! !

We went out to lunch with a friend and her son and Liam sat in a high chair for the first time. I took a lot of pictures. He was soooo good! I got video of him talking so loud to show Chris, it was hilarious. We had lunch at Red Robin. I put some cantalope juice on Liam's tongue and he liked it. Next we went to Barnes and Nobles and got a Noah's Ark book similar to the one Auntie Carolyn bought Liam for Christmas with little pull out foam pieces and we got Baby's First Prayers which is the sequel to the yelllow Baby's First Bible that Grandmalinda bought. Remember with all the neat pictures I took of Liam? This one is blue. Then we went to Babies R Us and I went insane. But not totally. I really wanted to buy Liam this Excersaucer because he loves his walker but his feet don't hit the floor and in the Excersaucer he could spin and jump, but I knew Chris would talk me out of it so I hurried up and called him and he agreed, it was a bit much for now. So I got some baby bottles, (now we like Avent), some PJs, and bibs. All in all I was very well behaved! Well, that is all for now, bye.

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