Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Like Father Like Son......???

Look at Little Man flirting with an older woman! That is my friend's 2 year old, Rhyannon. I went to the park with her mom, who is a new friend from my MOMS group and her other child, a 5 year old named Ian. It was a very nice day but I was dismayed at the actions of most of the children at the playground. Exclusionary, mean, inappropriate, cliquish are just a few of the words I can use to describe them. 4 and 5 year olds. It really upset me to think that in just a few years, Liam will be running around a playground, possibly with such...well, brats! And I am reminded again at what a wonderful job, friends of mine like Sabrina, Alicia and Sara are doing with their children. I pray that at the time Liam is ready for playground romping, we are settled in a community with other Christian families. Well that is all for now, love you guys!

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