Sunday, December 04, 2005

"Anything Liam Can Do, I Can Do Better"---(Sung by Xena)

Well, to do the story justice, I will just let Xena tell it:

"Hey guys, it's me, Xena. How is everyone? So it went down like this: I saw the lady and the boy over on this brightly colored mat. Well, to be honest, I am assuming it was brightly colored, after all, I am color blind. So I hear her tell the boy something like, "It's Tummy Time!" In this really dorky voice she uses sometimes when she talks to him. I think if she talked to me like that, I'd bite her. I digress, so she puts him down on the mat and she wants him to lift his head, and when he does she tells him what a good boy he is and how smart he is. Smart? I can shake hands, I know left from right, I can speak and lay down. I can sit still for up to 2 minutes with out moving and HE is smart for lifting his head? Puh-leez! So I go over there, lay down next to him on his mat and show him how it is done. Must have been right too, because when I did it, the lady got all excited and grabbed the flashy-thing. I don't know what the heck the flashy thing is. I just know that if I hold really still when the lady flashes it at me, I usually get treats or a belly rub afterwards. So I pulled out my best moves, and I was right, I got a belly rub AND a biscuit. Score! When Dad got home, the lady told him all about what I had done and I got even more belly rubs. The kid? He didn't get any belly rubs or biscuits when Dad got home. He just got picked up and Dad gave him something I overheard as "kisses" Big deal. Besides if Dad really wanted to know how the boy's day was, all he would have had to do was sniff---"

OK, I am going to cut her off right there, thanks Xena...Ahem...So, Xena once again proved how smart she was. Liam's new thing is "helping." When you change his diapers, he will hold his clothes up. That does help. Then he also grabs onto your hand so you can't move, unsticks the diaper flaps, grabs the diaper and pulls it away and kicks so hard you can't fasten the diaper. He thinks it is hilarious. Usually I do too, unless I am in a hurry! When Liam came along I thought about buying one of those diaper wipe warmers but I never got around to it. And really, I am too lazy to warm the wipes up in my hands. So, when I change Liam's diaper, sometimes those wipes are really cold, and he does the funniest thing. He goes, "Ah, hah, hah, hah," in exactly the same way you or I would say, "Oh, oh that's cold!" It is the funniest thing. Well, that is all for now! SEE all of you real soon, "C" and "B" Clans!!!!!!!

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