Sunday, December 04, 2005

Just Like Grandpa B ! ! !

Lest you think my dad parades around the house in reindeer breifs, I assure you the title applies to the falling asleep in front of the TV pictures! So I sent my dad the reideer pictures and he sent me back one line:

"...oh the indignity of it all!"

Then I sent the ones where Liam is dozing in front of the TV to my dad, saying to him, "Hey Dad he is just like you!" and he emailed me back one simple line:

"...and now dignity-abuse against the father"

I laughed so hard! The day I brought home these reindeer pants, I overheard Chris telling Liam, "I promise, if I see you in these I will immediately remove them." And destroy any photographic evidence I am sure....Too late!!!!!!!

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