Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ain't Technology Grand????

My little scan-the-pictures-so you-can-post-them thingy needed resetting and only Chris could do it and I was very impatient, but he fixed it for me!!!!! Whew, I am OK now, thanks to him! I am very attached to my digital camera right now.

Grandmalinda and Grandpa B will be here tomorrow, and we are so excited!!!! Grandpa hasn't seen our new house and last time they saw Liam he wasn't smiling soooo much. I've stocked my fridge with their favorite things, cleaned (well I am still cleaning) the house, washed the baby, mowed the yard, (OK, OK, that was Chris), and Chris is putting up my bathroom door!!! I will take lots of pictures of their visit to put on here.

Speaking of the camera, I dropped it on Liam's head today when I was trying to take his picture and it was so sad because he just blinked and looked at me like, "Well, what the heck did you do that for?" But my sweet angel baby did not cry. And speaking of crying last night Liam was just inconsolable for like, 45 minutes, Chris walks in the door, picks Liam up from my arms and of course, he is all laughs for Daddy!

Today's pictures, include various happy pictures of Liam, including a picture that proves he can sleep in any position, one of him cuddling with his sometimes foe--the bib, and one of my new favorites. I took that picture of the two of us with Liam in his little front carrier and did not know if he was even awake, then later when I looked at the pictures I noticed he was smiling right at the camera, so cute!!!! Finally the first one is of Liam helping me with the laundry.

Have you hugged your Marine today? It is the Marine Corps birthday today. I baked Chris a German Chocolate cake. Well, that will be all for now. Dave, was'up with Grandma's post? Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned, come on!!!!! (I am so impatient, huh?)

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