Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Things I Do For That Kid

I am going bald. Yep it is official, I am soon going to have my dad's hair line. Nothing wrong with my dad's hairline...IF YOU ARE A DUDE!!!!! Chris and I noticed two almost bald patches on my head last night and I just freaked! OK, they aren't really bald patches, just a little thinning, but geez! So this morning I called my doctor and she said it was totally normal post pregnancy hair loss. Um, couldn't someone have warned me? Oh well, luckily it is winter and I always looked pretty decent in a good beanie. Lest anyone actually worry about me, the doc is checking my blood and thyroid just to be safe, but she is not concerned. She said all hair should grow back in about a year. So just in time for my 31st birthday. Sigh. Kid, you better be worth it. You better cure cancer or something! Just kidding, he can just sit there and drool happily and he is worth it. For now. I really hope he isn't drooling like in a few years. That's neither here nor there. So, new topic, Thanksgiving. I am making a turkey tomorrow and Chris is making the mashed taters. I am so excited he is off for the holiday. Well, I gotta go. If I am lucky, I still can clean a few rooms before the king wakes up. Loving you!

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