Monday, November 14, 2005

Three Months Old Today! ! !

Liam is 3 whole months can you believe it? Nothing really new to note... Missing you all! Chris got home at 8:30 this morning! Lots of overtime but he slept much of the day and then just now he got a call saying he has court tomorrow on his other day off. Totally lame. Liam still sounds stuffed up, but it is funny because it sounds like he is purring. He has just started noticing Xena and yesterday he laughed when he saw her tail wagging. Xena has a new "game" where she tries to lick his face before we can stop her. Right now the score is about 10-1 with her in the lead. So my dad goes back down to UCLA medical center Wednesday to get the all clear. He is really hoping he is allowed to go back to running already. Speaking of surgeryI can hardly believe that only a year ago (Nov. 10th) I had surgery in the hopes of curing my infertility and praise God was pregnant one month later. Chris BBQ'd me a mushroom cheeseburger and I made banana bread. Yummy. Well that is all for now.

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